A studio operator called me, he had just recorded a band with a Hot Wire Thermoneck “roasted maple” bass. He was enthusiastic about this “totally balanced tone across all registers” and now wanted to have his own studio bass.
So we set down to talk, I put one bass After the other into his hands, and designed his instrument on the basis of a “roasted maple neck”. Here, the neck wood is heated to around 160 Celsius. All the moisture goes out, the molecular cell structure changes, it takes on this chocolate color and sounds like it has been played for 30 years - and it feels that way too. To enhance that feel, we apply Tung-Oil instead of laquer finish.
Our W-Bucker pickups with the serial-parallel function appealed to him. Passive, please! He wanted a smaller scratchplate. In terms of tone, he liked the warm sound of the mahogany body best. This then was painted matt red.